Showing 1 - 25 of 110 Results
A Text-book of Sanitary and Applied Chemistry; by Bailey, E. H. S. ISBN: 9781117042039 List Price: $34.75
The Boys' Second Book of Great Detective Stories by E. C. Bentley, Ernest Brama... ISBN: 9780060222550 List Price: $14.95
Food Products from Afar; a Popular Account of Fruits and Other Foodstuffs from Foreign Lands by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933,... ISBN: 9781176278028 List Price: $32.75
Text-Book of Sanitary and Applied Chemistry; or, the Chemistry of Water, Air, and Food by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933 ISBN: 9781171679943 List Price: $33.75
Text-Book of Sanitary and Applied Chemistry; or, the Chemistry of Water, Air, and Food by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933 ISBN: 9781171680307 List Price: $33.75
Dietary Study of Some Kansas Institutions under the Control of the State Board of Administra... by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933 ISBN: 9781177831260 List Price: $17.75
Practical Garden-Book : Containing the Simplest Directions for the Growing of the Commonest ... by Hunn, C. e., Hunn, C. E., B... ISBN: 9781164298090 List Price: $34.36
Text-Book of Sanitary and Applied Chemistry; or, the Chemistry of Water, Air, and Food by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933 ISBN: 9781178312089 List Price: $35.75
Food Products; Their Source, Chemistry, and Use by Bailey, E. h. s. 1848-1933 ISBN: 9781178404609 List Price: $43.75
Astrology and the Cards by E. H. Bailey ISBN: 9781258992095 List Price: $21.95
Astrology and the Cards by E. H. Bailey ISBN: 9781258839192 List Price: $36.95
American Lyceum : Or Society for the Improvement of Schools, and Diffusion of Useful Knowled... by Everett, A. h., Everett, A.... ISBN: 9781164564638 List Price: $12.76
American Lyceum : Or Society for the Improvement of Schools, and Diffusion of Useful Knowled... by Everett, A. H., Bailey, E. ISBN: 9781168682420 List Price: $24.76
Handbook of Organizational Wisdom by Kessler, Eric H., Bailey, J... ISBN: 9781412915618 List Price: $135.00
Bailey Genealogy: James John, and Thomas, and Their Descendants: In Three Parts by Gertrude E Bailey, Abbie F ... ISBN: 9780343129897 List Price: $29.95
American Lyceum: Or Society for the Improvement of Schools, and Diffusion of Useful Knowledg... by Everett, A. H., Bailey, E. ISBN: 9781436765756 List Price: $15.95
Practical Garden-Book: Containing the Simplest Directions for the Growing of the Commonest T... by Hunn, C. E., Bailey, Libert... ISBN: 9780548923276 List Price: $42.95
Microstructures & Microfabricated Systems IV by Hesketh, P. J., Hughes, H.,... ISBN: 9781566772068 List Price: $50.00
Astrology by Bailey, E. H. ISBN: 9780766133990 List Price: $15.95
A Text-book of Sanitary and Applied Chemistry; by Bailey, E. H. S. ISBN: 9781117042022 List Price: $41.99
The Source, Chemistry and Use of Food Products: -1916 by Bailey, E. H. S. ISBN: 9781112248870 List Price: $32.99
The Sea Otter's Struggle by Bailey, Jane H., Vandevere,... ISBN: 9780960248438 List Price: $5.95
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